Features and benefits

Been a minute again.

I really only like to send these emails when I have something valuable to say —- anything else would be a waste of both our time

this email is about something that’s hella confusing online and covered with too many false opinions

Features and benefits.

When I first started on this marketing journey I was reading and watching content telling me “people don’t care about features, only tell them the benefits”….

And this was wrong.

Because everything depends on who’s reading it.

ex: selling consumer electronics.

The techie wants to know all the boring specs before purchasing, the creative does not —- -they only want something that’s fast and works.

or if you have a supplement brand, the diabetic NEEDS to know how much sugar is inside —- they dont care about all the benefits of ”mental clarity and energy” —- it’s a secondary thought to them.

But this only comes from understanding your audience better.

But let me be clear— what i just talked about above is NOT a black and white solution.

Because sometimes you’ll need to mention both

And to do that you need to link the feature TO the benefit.

Features and benefits need to have a cause-and-effect relationship.

One has to cause the other

so the Feature CAUSES Benefit.

ex: This ingredient lowers blood sugar

This allows prospects to link the benefit to whatever new “feature” you have easily…

this is also how you create new USPs for your products —- by highlighting the benefit that comes FROM the feature

respond to this email with any direct response questions so that I can start answering them in these emails —- i’ve been running low on content ideas and If you ask a question it’ll be easier for me to just answer it