What chinese warren buffet can teach you about becoming a master of your craft....


What chinese warren buffet can teach you about becoming a master of your craft....

The other night, I was watching some long-form videos.

I randomly got into a rabbit hole of University lectures from some pretty important people...

But one stood out the most to me: One from LI Lu

or as most people call him -- Chinese Warren Buffet.

Li Lu is one of the top investors of our time...

Charlie Munger gave Li $88 million to invest and he more than quadrupled into $400 million....

Long story short --- He's good as hell at what he does.

And the thing that stuck out to me was just how much he KNEW his sh*t when it came to company valuations and number calculations for investing...

Everytime he asked the class something about a company's assets, cash, and market caps it went silent.

Nobody -- not even the professor of the class could spit out an answer...

Then Li would pretty much tell them they're idiots and do it himself.

He could do the math almost instantly.

Without needing a calculator.

Then proceeded to make a snap judgement on if it was a good investment or not.

What was so crazy to me was how good he was at what he did.

He was a true EXPERT.

Like instinctually, you knew he knows what he's talking about...

The wisdom kind of just flowed out of him...

Then it made me start thinking about what did he do to get to that level....

Thankfull he said it in the video for me towards the end...

And the answer is the same exact trait that guys like jeff bezoz, elon, charlie munger, and warren buffet have...


Not just the top 2-5 books in their industry....

Not the most popular information ( in fact they purposely block out the popular stuff )

but as much as they can about their chosen industry...

And even more about whatever else they're interested in.

Because all knowledge compounds --- it allows you to create insights and 'hunches' that no one else will have...

Because your brain simply has more data to work off of...

And you begin to start applying all lessons in life to your craft.

LI was even talking about how he got investing insights from his 2 daughters...

He went on some rant about understanding decision making behaviors in children is the same thing as understanding adults in the market...

Btw heres's the link to the video if you want to watch it yourself.

I don't consume content online from influencers anymore because...

They're here to influence you 😂 

They aren't 'educators' for a reason.

So think twice about the things you put into your head.